22 thoughts on “UPDATED: Become a Lazada Affiliate with Involve Asia & Tools”

  1. Great article! I followed your guide and started to generate a few links.
    What will happen next? I saw other people posting with bit.ly links. Is it ok to use that?

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the article.

      The next thing you can do is to use those links anywhere you see fit. Just avoid the promotion methods that aren’t allowed. You can check the Advertiser’s Offer Description.

      Also, if you want to see each link’s performance, from your Dashboard, go to Reports>Performance Report.

      About using Bitly, yes, you can use that as well. But, you might have noticed that upon generating your affiliate link, you have two types of links for the same offer – an already shortened one, and an extended version.

      I guess this is where Bitly comes in handy, by personalizing those links to your liking.

      I hope I have answered your questions.😅

  2. Hello. Great article! It helps a lot. But, how can we earn? In my dashboard, the number of clicks do update but the number of conversions doesn’t, also the est. earnings and sales amount. Do I need to reach a certain number of clicks/conversions before I can see update on my est earnings and sales amount? Btw, I am affiliated with Lazada. Thank you!

    1. Hello Z!
      If you are a direct affiliate of Lazada, you’re probably used to seeing a detailed colorful graphs from Clicks to Estimated payouts on your Lazada Adsense dashboard.
      Unfortunately, with IA, you will not see much of the same details, except for numbers. It’s a bit minimal.

      If you’re just starting with IA, you will not see significant changes in the ‘Performance Report,’ yet.
      But from there, you can click the “detailed Report,” and you will be directed to the Performance Report page. Scroll down, and you will see all the stats from CTR to Conversions. You can use the Filter to search for specifics.

      To check out your earnings, hover over Payment and click Payout Overview. On the page, you will see a progress bar that will indicate the Available Funds for Withdrawal. IA has a payment threshold, so it will take time until you can withdraw your commissions.

      Going back to IA’s Dashboard, (without going to other pages), the ‘Performance Report’ always updates. Every earnings you have there will carry over to, let’s say your virtual wallet.
      And just beside the ‘Performance Report,’ you will see how much is your earnings that is soon to be yours in percentage and MYR currency.

      But again, if you are new to IA, you will not see big numbers yet within a month.
      Also, may I suggest, don’t limit yourself to Lazada Affiliate links. There are hundreds of Advertisers in IA with thousands of products to promote.

      Thanks for stopping by at JuanNomad. Just give us a message if you still have some questions.

      1. Hi. I applied in Involve Asia but I didnt receive an confirmation email. What will I do? Do I need to apply again. Hope you can notice this. Thank you

        1. Hello Maita!
          Sorry for a too delayed reply.
          If I were to answer the question in real-time, I would suggest checking your spam folder. Or, just wait a little longer because there might have some delays. Nowadays, since the global pandemic has started, every company was forced to have only a skeletal workforce working in them for health reasons, the IA team is not excempted.
          You might have known it already, being approved as an IA affiliate is not automated. They are manually sifting through hundreds, if not thousands, of emails every day.
          And, of course, you are entitled to reapply.

          But since it’s almost three months since your question here, I hope by now, you’re already a bonified affiliate of IA.😅

    1. Hi, lea!

      Thanks for stopping by!

      Well, aside from being an Asian, I chose IA because I am not limited to one advertiser. Which means I have lots of other brands to promote whenever, wherever I want. They have more than three hundred advertisers, and I believe the list is still growing.

      Other affiliate platforms can be overwhelming to navigate. I like the simplicity of IA. The only side comment I have for IA is that it takes time for them to approve an account. You have to regularly check your email so you won’t miss their update.

      Other platforms that I also have affiliate accounts are Clickbank, CJ Affiliate, Cuelinks, eBay Partnership, and Linkshare.

      1. Thank you for your reply:-)
        I am interested in Lazada program. Yes, taking a long time before approving an account is an issue for me. Do you know any other platforms which provide Lazada program?

        1. No worries! c”,)
          You can go to cuelinks with this link- https://clnk.in/jSKg
          it will direct you straight to its Publisher Application Page.
          It’s like IA, an affiliate platform with lots of brands within.

  3. Raymond Neil Manaois

    Unfortunately… I did not pass lazada affiliate program through involve asia. Is there other way to be approved? 🙁

    1. Hello Raymond,
      Thank you for passing by JuanNomad.
      There is no other way to apply as a Lazada affiliate within IA.
      But don’t worry, that happened to me too a couple of times.
      My suggestion is just to reapply again.
      Also, make sure that the Property you have provided IA can generate traffic to its advertisers. That’s one of their prerequisites for affiliates like us.

  4. it’s been 3days since i signed up.but still no email from involved asia.how many days should I ‘ll wait before I can receive if its approved or not?

    1. Helo Riza,
      Typically, you’ll have to wait for about a week. You should receive an email that either confirms or rejects your application.

  5. Thanks for sharing your insights!
    Do you have an idea of how to increase conversions in AI.
    Can you give your advise on this matter?
    Thanks a lot.
    Gd bless you more.

    1. Hello Edwin,
      I don’t want to pretend that I’m an expert on everything, especially on increasing conversions in IA. There are lots of ways like email marketing, paid ads, etc.
      But from a blogger’s perspective, what we need is to increase traffic, as much as possible, the organic types. More traffic means increased chances of conversions.
      Also, keep in mind that every advertiser in IA has offer cappings. So, my suggestion is not to concentrate your efforts on only one affiliate link from one advertiser, especially if you’re doing affiliate marketing with IA.
      Going back to increasing conversions, it doesn’t matter if you’re a YouTuber or a blogger or an influencer. It’s best to create more related helpful content with every affiliate link you make. That, I believe, converts more.
      God bless you too.

  6. hello i don’t have a BIR and it says i have to fill in the tax information. What am i suppose to do?

    1. Hello, Flores!
      It’s been a delayed reply; I apologize.
      About your question, if it asks you to fill in the tax information, then you have you comply. But let me ask, is this about withdrawing your affiliate commissions or something else?

  7. There are three types of lazada affiliate. this is the normal lazada that offers 6.3% commission, KOL and content creator. What does that mean? what makes them different other than the comission rate. because, even if lazada has already approved you, there is an option “apply” to lazada (kol) and lazada (content creator.)

    1. Hello John,
      Sorry for the long wait.

      Apparently, IA, along with its advertisers, made significant changes on how to promote as its affiliate
      An example is with Lazada’s three types of promoting. Each type has different sets of percentages of commissions
      Just keep in mind the word Publisher, which is synonymous with the content creators in IA.

      1. The Lazada(KOL) is for Publishers who use their own identity to promote. Which basically means it’s for influencers.
      The percentage of your commission per new customer is 10%, and 9% for returning ones. It’s the highest of the three.

      2. The Lazada(PH)Content Creator, in IA’s own words, is for “Publisher which does not fall under comparison, coupon, cashback & software developers.
      A blog within cashback or comparison, for instance, does not qualify.”
      Mainly, it’s for those having websites/apps.
      Its highest commission rate is 9% for new customers and 7.5% for returning.

      3. While on the regular Lazada(PH), a Publisher can use the links anywhere, but it has the lowest commission percentage.
      6.3% for new customers and 3.15% for existing.

      I hope I’ve answered your query. 😅

  8. Hi, I was able to generate a link and posted it on my FB page. But when I tried to click on it, it says 403 error. Did I miss a step?

    1. Hello Leah,
      From what I have researched, there are many reasons why we see 403 errors. First, please double-check the address you have posted; you might have missed a letter, number, or something. Or, maybe, the offer you are promoting is already finished, or the seller of that offer took down the item or something.
      I hope this article helps.

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