A Quick Look on Affiliate Marketing in the Philippines

Regarding making money online, any person on the planet with internet access might improve their financial state; one way is Affiliate Marketing. But as a Filipino, if you’ll go to the internet and look for related information about doing it in the Philippines, the topics available are limited.

You have no other choice but to rely on Infos given by either international marketers or local YouTube videos that mostly are outdated.

Why? — Maybe there weren’t enough Filipinos around the internet who do affiliate marketing. Or maybe (correct me if I’m wrong) there are a bunch of them who discovered its power but don’t want to share their knowledge for the rest of us to benefit. Not all internet marketing gurus are discussing this for free.

To describe this business model in simple words is like this — it is something you do, usually online, to earn money even if you don’t own a single product to sell or any services to offer.

Affiliate Marketing vs. MLM

Just to clarify things, affiliate marketing is NOT MLM or network marketing. Please be informed that they differ from each other. In the latter, money is a concern of someone who wants to join an MLM ecosystem; it requires you to “invest” or purchase one of their product packages. While in the former, you can undertake the business, even if cash strapped.

Expectation vs. Reality

You might wonder if someone would genuinely make money on this business and how much would that be. Results may vary.

It can become profitable in the long run, but it should start in the right mindset.

It depends on how eager you are to learn all the things you need about the subject.

When are you going to implement it, and how long will you endure? — These are questions you need to ask yourself. It will make a difference. And to tell you the truth, like any other LEGIT internet marketing strategies, affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

Some notable internet marketing personalities can attest that they, too, started from nothing with this business model. Just type the words “the average income of an affiliate marketer” to google search bar, and you will find the answers from affiliate marketers themselves.

Why would you want to do Affiliate Marketing in the Philippines?

Your decision depends on your intent and motivation. And that, of course, also depends if you have a profound interest in doing it, to begin with.

Here are some questions to help you out:

  • Are you a stay-at-home mom or dad who wants to help their spouses with all the bills?
  • Are you an OFW who wants to go back home for good. Want to start a good business but don’t know which to start with low capital?
  • Maybe an employee who wants to get out of his daily rut, or a jobless bum that wants to get at least all ends meet?

—The answer to these questions differs from person to person. Only the affluent people would not bother to answer.

One of the many reasons you would want to do Affiliate Marketing is that it’s one of the fastest-growing business models. It is something that literally, you’ll start from zero but, once established, might pay you multiple times higher than your day job. So why wouldn’t you do Affiliate Marketing?

NOTE: All the links you’ll see in this post are not affiliate links that will make me profits. They are here to help you find application link easier, should you sign up for one or all of the companies we are about to discuss.

What Affiliate Programs to Choose?

Affiliate Marketing programs available in the Philippines

Again, it depends. Since at first, you will rely on your social media accounts like FB, Instagram, etc., you can’t just sell anything out of the blue if you will build a regular customer base.

Select a niche to have a targeted audience. Will you go for a locally based market, or will you go for international? What do you plan to sell, digital or physical products? These are questions you need to consider.

Have some plans. If you’re an expert on something, it is better to work within that expertise or work with your passions to avoid boredom and to have an enjoyable experience while doing the business.

There is a significant number of companies out there that offer affiliate programs with attractive commissions for their affiliates and lots of products to endorse for many customers.

Some companies have their program of their own for specific products; you may also apply to them individually. For now, let’s stick with the companies with a wide range of products to choose from and easy to sign up.

Here are some of those companies that have unique programs that you can use for specific types of customers:

Targeting both local and international market

  • If you plan to sell digital products: ClickBank and Jvzoo
  • If you plan to sell physical products: eBay Partner Network and Amazon Associates

Targeting Middle East Buyers, both of which have digital products as well

Targeting local audience (the Philippines)

  • Lazada and Shopee (Check my post on how to become a Lazada Affiliate HERE, and how to join Shopee’s affiliate program through Involve Asia HERE)
what should you expect in Affiliate Marketing in the Philippines

What to Anticipate from Application to Approbation?

Keep in mind that all affiliate programs are not created equal. Applying an affiliate account for some companies would be a breeze; while for others would be a definite pain in the bum.

Make sure to fill out all the boxes in every application form.

The approval rate in ClickBank and Jvzoo is fast, as long as you didn’t leave out the necessary information that the affiliate program wants.  That goes the same with eBay Partner Network, Ubuy, and Shopee.

Amazon is a bit stricter. Take note that you should make a sale within ninety days, starting from the approval of your application. And you can’t have multiple active accounts, or else all will be deactivated and a possibility of getting banned.

Lazada, on the other hand, while it’s not as strict as Amazon, I was rejected twice. If you want to have a smooth application experience, don’t make the same mistake as I did.

What was that mistake? — Even though I skipped the “tax info” part, that’s not a problem. My first rejection came from not filling out the details on the last page of Lazada’s application form. The second was giving them an Improper website link; I gave them an inactive one and just a random YouTube link.

Lazada demands that you should at least have an active website. If you don’t have a site yet, at least you should have a legitimate YouTube channel. Provide them with the proper link that will point them directly to your channel.

Nowadays, there are lots of YouTubers that enjoyed being a Lazada Affiliate doing unboxing videos or reviews. Who knows, you can be one of them.

On The Whole

Affiliate Marketing in the Philipines is like an underground thing; the information about the subject is a bit scarce to find. Some offer a deal of teaching you the topic for a dollar. But there is a catch, and there will always be one.

It is much better if you buy a course of someone who’s upfront with his pricing, than taking the one-dollar bait and waste time watching a two-hour sales pitch. So beware.

If you’ll going to ask an average guy on how he will interpret this business model, he’ll view it differently. Someone might automatically think of either MLM or mere online selling doing FB lives showing knockoffs. I hope we can change that perception.

As per my insight, Affiliate marketing is for everybody — aspiring internet marketers and experts alike. With or without money involved.

One can start anytime, even at this very moment.

Now that JuanNomad has your attention, when will you start your Affiliate Marketing business?

Remember your intent and motivation. Do this not only for yourself, but do it also for your loved ones.

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