Why Starting Your Website is Crucial on World 2.0

In this post of JuanNomad, we will discuss why starting your website today is vital for both existing and budding businesses.

During the lockdown, the rise of internet users is at its peak and is on a global scale.

Our government pleaded for us to stay at home.

There’s nothing else to do at home. To get the information or entertainment that we need, we go to the internet.

On the corporate side, some employers gave their employees a chance to work from home. It is when the internet comes in handy.

And because of the surge of billions of internet users, Netflix and YouTube tried “to prevent the internet from collapsing by reducing their streaming quality.” You can read the CNN article HERE.

But come to think of it, on the business side of things, the recent crash of the economy has changed the face of marketing and advertising.

While many businesses relying on foot traffic are in a pickle, other people of their workforce were, unfortunately, laid off.

Many well-known entities went down on their knees as the result of this global pandemic. These are companies that operate their businesses traditionally.

But now, a significant shift is happening.

If small business owners are well-informed, this is the golden opportunity!

Why would you want to have a website?

Before, we used to see the internet only as a way for faster communication and entertainment.

Today, it’s also a source of information, a way to advertise globally, eCommerce, and so much more.

And now that we have social media platforms, startups, and established businesses are heavily investing in them for promoting their stuff.

It might be possible to have a boost in sales, but will that be enough?

Would it be more helpful if you could interlink those benefits into one area and have a steady flow of customers coming at the same time?

You’ve got to start somewhere. And that’s where starting your website comes first.

With the COVID-19 aftermath, business-wise, many people saw the significance of having a website and its usage.

Small business owners can now reach out to a wide range of customers, locally and abroad. Without breaking the bank, the possibilities are endless if you have a website.

And always remember to provide more value with unparalleled customer service, compared to your competitors.

Who knows, you might take away a piece of market shares from larger companies. J

But, no matter how small a business is, it still needs some professional help.

Website developers or consultants can assist you with that so you can gain that coveted position in front of customers.

Starting your website could be a source of traffic for the business.

Some owners thought that starting a website for their small businesses is useless.

I don’t know if that’s true.

Will you still say that having a website is unsound if you see conversions of visitors to customers?

Even without paying for ads to boost your website, correctly setting it up will eventually produce traffic for your business.

It will take time to show results, but the efforts will soon pay off for establishing your business’ online presence.

I know, building a website on your own could be daunting.

It warrants the act of hiring an expert to handle the job. But you can also find yourself a legitimate course to enroll in, specifically to building websites.

Now, it’s safe to say that starting your website is also the start of your internet marketing journey.

For more ideas on where to use a website, please read the article WHY STARTING A BLOG IS A GOOD IDEA BEFORE & AFTER PANDEMIC.

The advantage of getting professionals to build a website for you

If you think you can build websites on your own since YouTube is there with lots of scattered tutorials, think again.

There is a fine line between failure and success in building a website that functions according to your needs. A business can lose more money by trying to pinch pennies in the wrong places.

Freelancers are offering their talents online.

You can get professional consultations from them. They will help you see results much quicker than if you did it alone. Not to mention the ROI will be much higher.

Taking advantage of their expert knowledge is another thing, and marketing campaigns will be more effective.

The disadvantage? — Sometimes it can be pricy for an onetime job.

The advantage of enrolling to a course to build a website yourself

Enrolling yourself to courses will only be helpful if it will teach you all you need without fluffs.

There are lots of courses available online.

But wait! Don’t go out there, though, and buy all the stuff that shines.

Just choose the right one that fits your needs and focus all your attention on its instructions.

By enrolling in a website building course (since that’s our topic for this post), you can go through the course at your pacing.

Go back and forth through the course to make sure you haven’t missed a single detail of its instructions.

Some courses will include live coaching calls and additional tips for your internet marketing journey, so take advantage of that too.

The disadvantage? — For first-timers, one detrimental factor in building a website alone is that it could be intimidating. But with a course to follow, at least there is guidance.

Another is the cost. Many creators price their curriculum way too high. So, it’s your job to weigh the decision with your budget.

If you want to have the feel of creating websites with ease, even without the aid of consultants or courses, read HOW TO CREATE A WEBSITE FOR FREE WITH LEIA.

Before we conclude, let me ask

Can you afford to waste time?

It is vital for businesses nowadays to have their presence on the internet.

Without this presence, you might as well pack up and leave because it’s as good as dead.

Now, more than ever, the internet has brought people closer together. It is also changing business practices.

A website can help double or even quadruple a brick and mortar’s your foot traffic in due time.

If you have something to offer and want a broader reach, a website could give you an extra hand.

If you are yet to adapt, I’m sorry, but you will either be out of the market or, worse, out of business.

So, can you afford to waste precious time without starting your website?

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