Email Marketing Strategies and Tips that Still Work

Understand that internet marketing has so many moving parts for it to be successful. Among those parts that need continuous polishing are email marketing strategies that will work for us.

We must not forget that building an email list is one of internet marketing’s vital components.

To send emails, we must know the strategies that we need to improve if we want positive results on our journey.

You must know, though, that building a list takes time.

If, for example, you have a website and you’ve done an excellent job in optimizing it and placed good content or offers in it, interested people will soon come to your site. By that, I mean, you’ll eventually have organic traffic.

Encourage the people visiting your site to sign up for your email list.

Internet marketers used the same email marketing strategies since the internet boom. They are old, but they’ve stood the test of time, and they are still potent and useful today if appropriately used.

“How Would I Do That?”

For starters, gathering a considerable amount of email addresses may seem to take a long time do. But doing it the right way will surely be profitable for you; all you need to do is to take the first crucial steps.

How? — Offer them the benefits of being on your list. Becoming in it means they will be the first ones to get notified whenever you release new content, products, or services.

In return for their emails, you should at least give something back. It should be free but useful for them. A simple example of this is giving away free reports in the form of an ebook.

Once they signed up, keeping in touch with them as often as you want is now possible.

In communicating with them through email, you have two options; an email series and blast emails. Be careful with the latter, though; please use it sparingly.

Types of email marketing strategies.

What is an Email Series?

An email series precisely means what it implies, a set of emails sent in series or sequences.

With already pre-written sets, determine the number of emails you are planning to send. Then load them up into an autoresponder that will automatically send them out on a set time.

Example: If you have created a series that comprises ten emails for new subscribers, you can schedule them to go out daily for ten days.

Depending on how you set your autoresponder, each person who has just subscribed to you will immediately get the first email on the first day they signed up. They will then receive the next email from the series the next day, and so on, day after day until it reaches its tenth day. These emails will continue to go out according to how you set them up and to what order. That way, everyone will receive their emails or newsletters accordingly.

You can use this technique for both of your newly signed up and long-time subscribers.

Sending short but fresh articles are much better. Don’t send the same old message you sent previously to the same person whom you sent. You don’t want to sound like a monotonous sales clerk.

What is a Blast Email?

A blast email is a technique of sending out the same email at the same time to everyone on your list.

Everyone subscribed to you will receive the same messages regardless of whether they were old subscribers or new to your list.

This strategy is useful, especially if you have new products or services you wish to provide that are to release. You can let your old and new customers or clients know about them firsthand.

For example, if you have an online store, this is a great way to offer your customers discount coupons for an upcoming sale.

I know the word blast sounds intrusive already. And like I said before, use this technique sparingly. Would you want your emails to land in spam folders?

Blast emails are best to use for specifically targeted customers.

For internet marketers out there, you might know this already — unopened or unread emails are as useless as the emails in your spam Inbox.

Tips that still work for your email marketing strategies.

Email marketing sending tips that will still work for your strategies.

1.    Carefully consider who the target audiences are and know what they want.

You can’t just guess what these people want and shove to their throats whatever offer you have at hand.

If you are not sure about it, what you can do is ask them using the same techniques of emailing that we have just discussed. Send out messages asking them to let you know what questions they might have in mind or what products interest them.

This way, next time you launch an email campaign, be it series or blast, you will know what to send and to whom you will send them.

2.    Make use of a title that will poke your subscriber’s curiosity.

It doesn’t matter how well written an email is; it will not do you any good if nobody will read it, let alone open it.

Make a compelling headline that will make them want to open your email. Start with questions that seem personal to them. Or make use of some shocking headlines that appears to apply to the current or trending news.

Be creative in catching their attention. Be innovative.

3.    Convey a message that is brief and to the point.

It’s a fact that the reason you send emails is to sell something to your subscribers. Be it services, new products, or just an idea; you can’t convince them in only one email alone.

If a message that looks like a sales copy of four to five thousand words and will make me keep on scrolling through the screens, more likely, I’ll lose interest in what you’re offering.

Keep your message short and straightforward.

It is better to highlight an answer to the most important question that everybody has in mind if something served upfront: the question “what is in it for me?”. Focus on that. Weave a direct and persuasive yet earnest message.

If correctly done, there is no need to convince your subscribers more with another series of emails. From that point on, they will decide on their own.

 To Conclude

You can dramatically improve the results of your email marketing campaigns by keeping these simple tips in mind; either you use email series, blast emails, or a combination of both strategies.

To genuinely provide what the customer’s wants and needs are akin to investing, it will work wonders for you. You will receive big rewards as your benefits.

By offering solutions to people’s problems, you will get paid for it in return. Everybody wins!

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